Hi! My name is Zsófi, and together with my husband, Antonio, we became twin parents in 2019.
It means that while I write these lines, we have been Loló’s and Ricsi’s parents for 3 and a half years.
Since then, I can say, our world turned upside down, or so to say, an earthquake hit our peaceful life: a twin quake. 🙂
During the first year we just blinked (or not even that :), and we tried to keep ourselves and our little tornadoes alive. Then we tried to see through the chaos, and later on, when the picture became clearer, we set the goal to try to help other parents who share our same fate, in order to overcome obstacles more easily from the very beginning.
Of course I know we cannot understand what it really means being a parent of twins or multiples until we experience it. But today I can see that organized knowledge and information, transparent and proven experiences and products would have helped a lot in our situation.

That’s why the TwinQuake website and online shop came to life in 2023.
We are here to help! Let’s solve the (twin)shaky situations together!

As the first online twin shop and information centre in Hungary, our mission is to ease twin parenting with our products, experiences and services provided.

Primarily we would like to reach twin parents, but of course our information and products can be useful for parents of triplets and more, or even for siblings with very small age differences.